
We record in a chronological and systematic way the complete financial statement of our clients, in order to meet their financial needs as well as legal or third parties relationships.

The benefits of working with us

Safety. We submit tax returns in time and provide assistance before legal authorities of the state.

Responsibility. One partner for integrated services in accounting, financial and tax advisory and legal assistance.

Flexibility. We adapt to the existing platform of your company.

Readiness. The accounting documents may also be sent in electronic format, and the operation in immediate.

Some of the accounting records services we offer to our clients:

  • Drafting of petty cash register;
  • Drafting the VAT ledgers;
  • Processing cash and bank operations;
  • Processing of materials and commodities purchases;
  • Monthly balance sheet;
  • Monthly accounting position ledger;
  • Preparation and verification of statements on taxes due to the state budget;
  • Preparing and filing tax returns and financial reporting;
  • Advice and assistance in the organization of accounting activities;
  • Fiscal records · Intelligence about customer evolution through a comparative, monthly report;
  • Drafting of annual amortization plan for fixed assets;
  • Preparation and certification of the company financial statement;
  • Assistance during tax audits and controls regarding the fiscal liabilities/obligations;

Online services

The online services provided by A&C Associated ensures secure access through the dedicated accounting server, thus the client ca operate the primary documents using the online platform ” HAMOR. ”

We guarantee the takeover and configuration of your database through the management and coordination of the deployment operations, and you have secured access to your own database, 24h / 24h.

We will make sure that the records you registered are correct, followed by the set up of the financial and tax operations and we will inform you on the evolution of your company using a monthly accounting position ledger.

Offline services

The offline procedures are similar to the online ones. The difference is in the fact that you will create the accounting documents on paper.

They will be sent monthly to A&C Associated, hard copies format or electronically.

We will deal with them according to the accounting necessities so that in the end you are informed monthy about the evolution of the company.
